Citizens of the still newly budding country of Myanmar that are currently based in Singapore have bought $6 million worth of apartments and condos in Yangon at a two-day real estate fair earlier this month.
Hosted by, Myanmar’s largest online property portal, the expo has been held at least once a year in Singapore since 2015 and targets Myanmar citizens, said U Nay Min Thu, managing director of
Myanmar property developers including Golden City, Kanbae Towers, Riverfront Garden, The Leaf Residence, SMT Construction, Royal Theikdi Condominium, The Grand Hill Garden Residence, Ayar Chantha Executive Condominium, Grand Wireless Condominium, Shwe Myanmar Mya Minicondo, Real Home Residence and iGREEN Development marketed apartments, condos and landed bungalows at the expo, U Nay Min Thu said.
Separate fairs are held on a monthly basis for individual construction companies.
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