74% of professionals believe that AI will be key to the future of recruiting

May 27, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

Artificial intelligence has been implemented for some time in various processes within companies, in order to speed up the execution time of certain tasks. With this same purpose, these new intelligent systems have begun to reach the human resources departments to reinvent the recruitment and management of talent. In this sense, Easyrecrue, an expert company in the development of applications in SaaS mode for the pre-selection of candidates, has developed an e-book in which it analyzes the advantages offered by artificial intelligence aimed at hiring.

"The enormous potential of artificial intelligence (AI) can benefit the automation of those daily HR tasks that occupy more time or less human skills required." This is what Mickaël Cabrol, founder and CEO of Easyrecrue, says in the e-book recently published by the company. Likewise, it emphasizes that the objective that any model of AI must pursue must be "to free the recruiters from tasks of low added value so that they can refocus on human relations".

This is also confirmed by the majority of the professionals surveyed by LinkedIn, who in their report 'LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends 2018', reveals how 74% believe that artificial intelligence will be fundamental for the future of recruiting. In fact, so much so that 14% of the 9,000 hiring managers and recruiters consulted by the social network, ensures that their companies have already implemented, while 39% expect to be able to use it soon in hiring for two main reasons: Obtaining greater objectivity and agility in the work developed by human resources professionals.

In this sense, from Easyrecrue point out that many of the tasks that the HR area does take up too much time and, therefore, "can be automated because they do not require the added value that brings the human", while indicating that "intelligence artificial is going to make the recruitment processes more objective by limiting the cognitive biases so frequent in people and in this way favoring diversity in teams ". In fact, Accenture sources highlight the increase that the IA could generate than in terms of business profitability: 38% in 2035.

Also, the e-book collects some of the possible applications that this technology could have in the HR area. In this way, the ability of the AI ​​to act as "an assistant" in the performance of certain tasks such as classification of resumes, communication with candidates, identification of talent or conducting interviews thanks to the 'deep learning' is emphasized. ' In addition, given the capacity that this technology has to learn by itself (machine learning), based on the data collected, these systems could detect errors and deficiencies and correct them before it is detrimental to the company.

But will AI replace people at work? The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) points out that only 9% of jobs could be at risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence. In this way, one of the great fears that many professionals have about the expansion of this type of technology is denied.

However, what will allow, according to Easyrecrue, is the automation of processes such as CV analysis, collection and processing, as well as the subsequent pre-selection of potential candidates, through the use of algorithms that can identify profiles more adequate, of conversation agents or chatbots to connect with talent or big data to effectively organize large volumes of applications.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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May 27, 2019

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