Josh Callander was only 14 when he decided to start looking for employment in the town of Tauranga, New Zealand - but quickly discovered options were few and far between for those his age.
All the main job boards were for adults.
So Callander created his own website with the goal of opening up the world of work to teens.
Teen Jobs matches employers with teenagers between 13 and 19 years old who were looking for work.
It was free to use for both employers and job seekers.
"The jobs can be household work, anywhere from babysitting and cleaning to more business type positions, shop assistants and retail work."
Callender said there were young people out there who wanted to work, they just needed a way to find where the work was available.
"Employers have told us that the site has helped them find workers that they couldn't get before," he said.
Read more here.
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