One of the leading college admission and career portals in India,, has recently debuted what it calls the "first-ever AI-based assistance platform for students", and its name is Shiksha Assistant.
It’s a one-stop platform for extracting relevant information available in millions of topics related to careers, colleges, courses and exams on Shiksha’s site. It makes it possible for a student to instantly get answers without digging for information.
Shiksha Assistant will answer all higher education related queries of a student. System will interact with the students to give answers to any queries from college details, exam details, career to course details. It tries to provide the exact information which student is trying to find out with the information available on Shiksha. After providing the solution to the query, it will also provide a link to the student to navigate for more information available on the query.
Shiksha Assistant uses multiple Artificial intelligence technologies & techniques to give an answer to students’ queries. Firstly, it tries to understand the intent of students’ queries. Secondly by using NLP (Natural language processing), it tries to understand what all topics it can serve as per the query. Based on that, it tries matching the students’ intent with topics to extract the precise details required from the information available within the topics. Shiksha Assistant tries to build the context of queries and provide relevant results based on previous conversations with the student or the information student is exploring on the portal.
Read more here.
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