This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
Talent recruitment, virtual assistants and employee voice analytics are emerging as the central uses of AI in the personnel area.
Artificial intelligence is expanding in all industries and departments. Also in the area of human resources and personnel hiring, where the tools that make up this technology have different applications. The analysis firm Gartner has defined the three most common uses of AI in HR: talent entry, virtual assistants and employee voice analytics.
It is common to link the use of AI in relation to the recruitment of talent in organizations to the existence of biases that lead to the discrimination of candidates belonging to defined groups. The idea transpires that if a single artificial intelligence agent assumes the entire contracting process he can make decisions without human control.
However, Gartner identifies the use of IA tools in phases prior to hiring, with the analysis of the labor market and the identification of skills -especially for specialists or very specific profiles-, the matching of skills and, precisely, the detection of biases in the descriptions of positions and the classification of candidates.
As the second application in popularity, Gartner locates VoE analytics, the initials of 'Voice of the Employee'. This type of tools monitor the commitment of the staff, starting from systems that analyze the response of workers in surveys, social networks or internal collaboration platforms, for example. For this, they apply natural language processing techniques and textual analysis to analyze the sentiment and obtain information from text-based answers.
Finally, the virtual assistants of human resources are still in an early adoption stage, although the prediction is that there is a unique interface for each process. For the moment, its most common modality is in chatbots implemented for contact centers with clients or process flows related to the help desk.
This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
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