Rent Small Small is looking to give customers a better menu of services to help them with their renting needs. The proptech startup has merged with Maid Easy, a cleaning, laundry, and fumigation service provider, and Furnisure, a furniture and appliance rental provider. The three have combined under a new brand, Rent Small Small Group.
This merger is said to have been in the works by all 3 platforms for a while, and will see the platforms operate as a consortium.
All three companies, Rent Small small, Furnisure and Maid Easy, have joined forces to provide a comprehensive network of integrated services that will better serve the property, furniture/appliance and cleaning service market.
Rent Small small
Prior to this merger, Rent Small Small had broken into the rental properties market by providing Nigerians with convenience-based options to pay for living spaces and no agent charge. As an innovative disruptor in the proptech scene this decision to merge is an interesting move.
It allows the platform provide users with Furnisure’s services and Maid Easy’s cleaning services, in an all in one package. These new offerings present the proptech platform an opportunity to increase its user base.
With the new service, users get settled into apartments provided by Rent Small Small with little or no stress, at flexible rates.
Not only this, all three startups stand to gain from leveraging each other’s user base for their various services. This will mean an integration of all three platforms which according to the group, is currently ongoing.
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