The town of Celaya, Mexico is the setting for one of the first expansion movements that Servitalent is developing in the coming months through its internationalization plan, a key component in its company goal of recruiting both managers and interim management.
This international expansion is part of an ambitious plan designed by Servitalent and one of its German partners for the implementation of a global headhunting network. Incorporated will be interim management service providers, with their establishment coming in September and launching operations beginning in 2020.
The global initiative has emerged as a result of the industrial push that Mexico is having, specifically in the Bajío Region, considered to be one of the most thriving industrial areas on the planet at the moment and which places it in the spotlight of many Spanish and European companies. One client using Servitalent's solution is already gearing up to shift from Spain into this Central American soil, working on the management profiles necessary to develop their activity in the country.
It is within this context that Servitalent's main mission will be to support the international expansion of its Spanish clients in various global geographic areas, prioritizing regions where important capital investments are being made and where companies need help to achieve the necessary managerial capacity for their objectives.
Servitalent's activity in Mexico, initially led by Raúl Davila Aparicio as Interim Country Manager, will go hand in hand during the first months of the business dynamizer launched by the Universidad Latina de México (ULM) and created in collaboration with the Spanish company Hispania Link Overseas Services, specialized precisely in helping companies to successful launch and implement strategy in their area of the country.
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