This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
In a labor market where it is increasingly difficult to attract and retain the talent of the 21st century, organizations around the world have begun to incorporate new working formulas and invest in their human capital in order to become the best places to work and win the so-called 'talent war' that exists today.
But what are the key trends that are setting the course to follow in human resources departments? This is the question to which Sodexo, an expert company in quality of life services for companies, has answered in an article that delves into the four changes that organizations are already applying in order to maintain their competitiveness in the market.
Greater labor flexibility and a clear commitment to teleworking
Sodexo highlights a growing interest in remote work, which is allowing more and more professionals to opt for this modality, which already incorporate many startups. So much so that, for example, a study by the University of Lancaster estimates that, by 2020, 70% of UK organizations will adopt teleworking, attracted by “higher productivity, better employee welfare, attraction and retention of talents, and reduction in accommodation costs.”
Likewise, Sodexo points out that, “with the rise of the so-called 'gig economy' and its commercial models, it is not surprising that between 20% and 30% of the workforce of the European Union and the United States work on their own or in temporary jobs.”
Bet on longlife learning and qualification
If something has brought about the digital transformation that many companies are undertaking, it is the need to reinforce talent skills, especially because “40% of German and American companies, 64% of organizations in India, 63% of Brazilian companies have difficulties filling vacancies.” Spain is no exception and 56.6% also acknowledge having this problem, according to data from a report published by the consultant Adecco and Infoempleo.
In this regard, an investigation by Georgetown University predicts that, by 2020, 65% of jobs created in the US It will require some form of qualification. Hence, some companies, such as McDonald’s, Walmart, Starbucks and Gap, are already investing in training programs that allow their human capital to acquire that knowledge and develop those skills that will be calves in the future and will guarantee employability. In fact, according to Sodexo, the three most popular learning methods are "face-to-face courses, online learning and guidance / mentoring."
Technological investment to empower people
With technological development, human resources teams have begun to have new systems and services aimed at improving the experience of internal and external collaborators. In this regard, the article cites the impact that the Internet of Things (IoT) is having in this area, when freeing professionals from a significant workload due to the use of ‘chatbots’ or virtual assistants. It also highlights the growing weight that intelligent offices are having, in addition to improving productivity and efficiency, they are allowing to promote well-being, health and safety at work.
“By digitizing the workplace, we can improve the overall experience of employees,” says Belén Moscoso del Prado, Digital and Innovation Director of the Sodexo Group. “This is due to the ability of IoT technologies to act so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts: each sensor helps us gather a holistic vision, so we can understand the benefits that are seen when we modify a point of contact in a workplace, ”he adds.
Road to Human Capital Management (GCM) 3.0
GCM 3.0, its latest update, aims to “maximize the value of a company's employees by developing strategies for them in five key areas: recognition, learning, health and wellness programs, community participation and surveys / analysis of personal". This is ensured by an article that affects the important role that digital platforms play when professionals can have a high performance in their workplace. In fact, in Latin America, a survey revealed that approximately 40% of companies use technology to boost the three priorities of Human Resources: productivity, commitment and corporate culture. "That figure increased above 70% for companies with more than 10,000 employees," concludes Sodexo.
This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
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