Throughout a large number of agencies, companies increasingly lose sight of important principles in the hustle and bustle. Too long application processes not only frustrate the candidates, but above all make one question the attentiveness and seriousness of the interest in one's own person. Therefore, it is all the more important that clients work sensitively with the candidates during the recruiting process and, above all, value the following points:
Increasingly, it appears that delayed decision-making by companies deters candidates: many job seekers are annoyed by bad communication from companies. Additionally, companies are conducting more interviews to come to a decision, and this increases the duration of the process as well. In the last two to three years, the average recruiting process regarding headhunting sat at about 3-4 months; today's numbers are closer to 5-6.
This comes at a time when the shortage of specialists and executives has only become greater, and more and more companies are having difficulty recruiting suitable executives. If good candidates drop out due to frustration in the application process, not only does the vacancy remain open longer, but the quality of the applicants also decrease.
Many companies simply underestimate the speed at which targeted candidates will act and decide, and furthermore, the demands of the current highly qualified candidates to a potentially new employer have also increased significantly.
To secure the best talent companies must therefore make their recruiting faster and more efficient - speed decides in the fight for the top candidates, the success of recruiting and in the wake of the company.
Successful companies treat their candidates just as courteously as their customers. This is precisely why they then emerge victorious in the competition for the best talent.
Join us November 12-15 for the Property Portal Watch Conference Madrid 2019.