Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) will soon launch JobsCayman, an online system that allows registered users to access job postings created by registered employers.
The purpose of the system is to offer a better approach to facilitate Caymanians in finding employment. It will also allow employers to search for qualified and skilled Caymanians who are seeking employment. The online system will require all information to be submitted electronically thereby reducing the need for paper documents. No longer will the process request documents that WORC already has or has access to. It will offer real-time access to information including status of applications, requests, decisions or results. Registered employers with listed jobs will receive email notifications when an applicant has applied for a job and registered Job Seekers can receive feedback if they were unsuccessful for job they applied for. With this information on hand, the job seeker can then do all things necessary to up skill and receive the necessary training thereby increasing the chances of future employment.
Caymanians who register as Job Seekers will have the opportunity to search for jobs posted online with their skills or career ambitions. The initial system release does not currently allow for automatic alerts to let them know of available jobs in their field, this feature is planned to come online in the future. The onus therefore is still on the individual to ensure that the information they input into JobsCayman is accurate and up-to-date. A feature to highlight about the system is that it can generate a basic resume template using the information inputted from the name, address, education, skills or qualifications and job history among others. This then can be used when applying for future jobs.
How Registration Works:
Each person will first need to obtain a username and password via the CIGnet (Cayman Islands Government Global Network). This can be found on and click on the tab entitled ‘Create a CIGnet Login’. The CIGnet username and password will allow access to JobsCayman.
Persons can then register with the system which is a 2 tier process. Step 1 requires all persons to register as a person (this includes an individual and an employer). Step 2 is where you would then register as a Job Seeker or register as an Employer (the next steps depend on whichever service the customer is seeking). Once a person registers with JobsCayman they will then need to be verified by WORC.
To register all individuals must provide a picture ID and proof of their immigration status. Proof of Caymanian documentation can be voter registration card; birth certificate (and birth certificate that indicates one parent was born in the Cayman Islands, or both parents were born outside of the Cayman Islands with a copy of the Caymanian parents Caymanian Status Certificate, if resident status of the parents was obtained prior to the client’s birth); Caymanian Status Certificate or stamp in a valid passport indicating the Caymanian Status. The picture ID can be the passport photo page, voter registration card or a driver’s license. The system will ask for these documents to be uploaded in digital format such as PDF or JPG.
System Features:
All registrations for JobsCayman will be done electronically. There will be no paper submissions. For those without internet access, WORC will partner with the district libraries so that persons can have access to the internet and computers in comfort and will host district town hall registration drives allowing persons to register during this event. Alternatively, persons can visit the WORC office and register using available kiosks in the Customer Care Centre. Customer Care Officers will be on hand to assist and guide persons through the online process.
Employers Posting Job Ads:
A registered employer can assign who they give authority to post jobs ads. That person will be responsible for creating the ads. When a job ad is created, a Customer Care officer will approve it using criteria specified by WORC. Once approved, the employer will be notified and the ad will be live on the system and can be viewed by the public.
A good thing to note about the system is that it allows an approved job ad to be cloned or copied. When a job is cloned, all details previously entered remain the same and the system will automatically provide the clone with a unique ID and adjust the beginning and ending dates of posting. Cloning an ad does not require it to be sent back to a Customer Care Officer for approval. When a job ad has been copied, this feature allows a few more edits to be made and will require approval from a Customer Care officer before being made live to the public.
JobsCayman is a new way forward using technology to improve efficiencies and a simplified approach to services offered by WORC. By creating a new way for companies to seek employees and a new way for persons to seek work, the overall goal of lowering Caymanian unemployment or underemployment can be achieved.
The future for JobsCayman includes launching Phase 2 and finally Phase 3. Phase 2 is the online process of work permits and Phase 3, Cayman Status and Permanent Residency. With the new system, approval time for applications should be greatly reduced and customers can more efficiently get answers to their requests.
Phase 1 of JobsCayman will be launching in the coming weeks with the expectations for Phase 2 and then Phase 3 within the 4th quarter of 2019.
Join us November 12-15 for the Property Portal Watch Conference Madrid 2019.