Jobteaser helps give young graduates their first job opportunity

October 8, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

Jobteaser is a hiring platform for young, newly graduated talents.

21 years. Just graduated. With good academic curriculum. You want to devour what the world of work has to offer. This is the profile of many young people who have just finished the race. All of them, or at least the majority, want to start working, to put into practice everything they have learned during the university degree. But it's not easy. You have to find a company you like, and for a young person with almost no experience, you don't know where to start.

And this is where Jobteaser comes in, an online platform that gives young graduates the first job opportunity. “Our mission is to help as many young people as possible to find their work path,” says Laura Rottier, Director of Marketing. This orientation and hiring platform is divided into three legs. One of them is public and open to everyone that is New graduates can register and see the information of the offers to find their first job or an internship. “It is a means for them to be able to orient themselves throughout their academic career and be better prepared for their future work,” explains Rottier.

The second of these legs is what they do with universities. “We integrate ourselves into the heart of the university intranet and we call it the Carreer center,” says Rottier. In this way, Jobteaser becomes the official employment portal of the associated universities (University of Navarra, ESADE, University of Alcalá de Henares, San Pablo CEU, etc). “It allows us to reach students in the best place and at the best time that is when they are looking for a practice or their first job.”

And the third is the one that will be launched next year in Spain. The Marco tool, which has already begun testing in France, is successful (10,000 subscribers in a month). Marco has been achieved thanks to the 50 million euros that Jobteaser got in a round of financing last September. The tool is for young people to get to know each other better and to make a decision before the professional world

Marco will be a free and online tool with which young students will take a 'fairly simple' test that allows them to identify their values ​​and interests. “It helps them identify their values, interests and their motivations at a professional level. It helps them get their bearings,” explains Rottier. From Jobteaser they hope that in Spain it will have the same reception as in France "we are seeing a real interest in the search for practices, in professional guidance and we believe that it is something that will have a great impact."


Young people would like to be better advised from the beginning of their training. This is one of the main conclusions reached from Jobteaser. Therefore, the platform considers it essential that these students can know how they are and how they can adapt to the labor market.

“Young people and companies, according to our study, agree that it is the responsibility of universities, but we believe that this responsibility has to be shared by both companies, universities and young people,” says Rottier, adding that Jobteaser “will reduce this gap by bringing these three actors together. That young people feel more prepared for their future work.”

There is a clear divergence between the preferences of the candidates and the reality of the market in several sectors. There are studies that say that 85% of the 2030 jobs do not exist today, it is true that we see specific sectors that have many offers and little demand.

On how the generations have evolved, Laura Rottier explains that the current generation is much more proactive, they are native digital. “There is a change of roles, the young people of the Z generation decide if they want to be part of that company because of the social impact that can create them. Yes, there is an important role change,” Rottier concludes.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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October 8, 2019

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