InfoJobs highlights more than 236,000 work vacancies in October for Spain

November 16, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

Last October, InfoJobs registered a total of 236,274 job vacancies to work in Spain.

When analyzing the vacancies by sector, that of Commercial and Sales is once again the category that generates the most employment in the country - 18% of the total with 43,311 vacancies. This is followed by the Customer Service with 29,377 vacancies (12%) and IT and Telecommunications with 26,972 (11%).

Very close to these, and in fourth position, is the Purchasing, Logistics and Warehouse sector, which has channeled 23,378 vacancies, 10% of the total and 1,990 more than September. Thus, this sector increases for the second consecutive month, and is expected to continue in this line of growth due to seasonal points such as Black Friday and Christmas.

Indefinite and fixed-term contractual arrangements almost concentrate the same percentage of vacancies

For the first time in 2019, the indefinite (31%) and fixed-term (31.5%) contracts have seen practically the same percentage of vacancies offered in InfoJobs - a fact that should be noted if you take into account that vacancies with a specific contractual modality are usually higher than those of an indefinite contractual modality.

Thus, of the total vacancies that reported on the type of contract offered, 69,916 offered an indefinite contractual modality, while 71,836 responded to a contractual term of fixed duration.

Regarding the type of employment, the weight of the full-time work stood out, which represents 61% of the total vacancies published in InfoJobs. 19.5% of the vacancies corresponded to part-time jobs, while 5% of the jobs were project-based.

Madrid and Catalonia lead job creation

The Autonomous Communities of Madrid and Catalonia maintain the trend and return to be the two that generate more employment, accumulating 56% of vacancies offered in InfoJobs in October.

Specifically, the Community of Madrid, which leads the ranking, has registered 78,518 jobs offered, (33% of the total vacancies). Catalonia, in second place, collects 53,881 vacancies, 23% of the total.

Andalusia is, for another month, the third Community with the most published vacancies, accumulating 20,870, 9% of the total volume.

In terms of growth, the Canary Islands (26%), followed by Cantabria (17%) and Extremadura (14%), are the three Communities that have grown the most from one month to the next.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

November 16, 2019

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