E-Motions, TeamChat, LeaderChat, and Pulse together measure empathy, influence, and impulsivity. These new assessments provide hiring managers with research-backed insights into social abilities that are directly related to employability, job performance, and leadership, improving their ability to hire the best talent for the job.
"Game-based assessments that measure 'emotional IQ' build upon the understanding of cognitive ability, enabling hiring managers to understand more about a candidate's abilities. Cognitive ability is important, but it's just one piece of the complex puzzle that determines candidate success alongside job-specific skills and competencies. Having multiple layers of objective criteria helps hiring managers make better hiring decisions that ultimately have an impact on team productivity and ultimately on an organization's bottom line."
Loren Larsen, CTO, HireVue
HireVue's emotional intelligence games are already being successfully used by one of the UK's largest retail employers for graduate and apprentice hiring. To date, over 9,000 candidates have completed TeamChat and E-Motions, as well as two games measuring cognitive ability. With short completion times, a validated assessment of both cognitive and emotional abilities can be achieved in a single, engaging testing session.
At a time when business leaders are asking teams to navigate ever more complex problems and challenges, hiring professionals report that empathy is being seen as relevant to job roles in more fields than traditionally considered, such as social work, nursing, and education.
TeamChat is suitable for graduate and junior job roles, presenting chat scenarios commonly encountered in roles at this level. LeaderChat measures Emotion Management ability in complex situations that senior managers and leaders are likely to encounter.
In order to ensure they're hiring highly focused and safety-oriented team members, hiring managers need to understand whether an individual can rapidly learn from mistakes, or whether there is a propensity to be overly impulsive, which can lead to unsafe work behaviors.