Created at the beginning of 2018 by Nacha Ruvira, in the city of Valencia, after her previous work experience in the world of franchising, she leads her team to find a solution for a problem that was constantly presented in her travels–renting a punctual space without complications.
Those seemingly loyal clients that lasted a lifetime are disappearing and, nowadays, it is increasingly important to surround yourself with new opportunities to reduce fixed expenses in business and find new options in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to use new tools and options offered by the new market niches to reduce costs and increase sales and performance of companies, SMEs and freelances.
That's where Compartir Espacios comes in.
It already has spaces of all kinds; places for children's parties, studios, private rooms for parties and events, industrial buildings, photographic studios, yoga rooms and even beauty salons and gyms that rent their spaces with professionals from their sector.
In general terms, it is nothing new, professionals from all walks of life can, nowadays, be found working side by side with each other in the same office space. Compartir Espacios helps to group professionals from any sector, so that, when sharing a space, they can save more than 60% in fixed expenses.
If you have an office or consultation and you have more than one free office, you can rent them separately, as well as for days, for hours, etc. being able to generate a profit of €7,800 annually, in addition to sharing synergies between workers of different kinds. This can be extrapolated to multiple businesses, such as yoga, dance, therapy, events, etc.
In short, sharing workspace not only generates an economic benefit for the entrepreneur but also creates synergies with professionals from the same sector, as well as helping entrepreneurs and freelancers to access much more economically in a workspace where they can develop their activity.