News on free-to-list UK challenger, Residential People’s new technological offering, nurturingAI. In response to the third official lockdown in the country, nurturingAI is launching a national team spearheaded by Neil Comper and Jamie Osborne, two big names within the industry.
Neil Comper previously held senior positions with Rightmove, The Digital Property Group, Zoopla, and TwentyCI/EA. Jamie Osborne has over a decade of real estate experience, having worked at Zoopla as National Account Director.
Leading 25 marketing professionals, this group will be responsible for supporting agents and developing a better way to stay up-to-date with the ever-changing information surrounding Covid-19.
How this task force is planning on accomplishing this objective is through free consultations on how to market online for agents to better understand their current tools at hand and how to apply them in a more effective way. This knowledge, according to nurturingAI and Residential People, will be vital even after the crisis is behind us.
Neil Comper says:
“For all of us, it has been a rollercoaster, the pandemic has forced us to ‘change our world’. The positives are the ways agents & the public now engage with each other; communications should be easier, faster and at a lower cost, these changes have highlighted the value of ‘simple to use technology.
“Our Covid action blueprint has already been well received by many independent resale & lettings agents, once implemented, it enables our customers to take care of business even whilst they sleep! It also allows agents to be less reliant on portals and grow their own branding at a fraction of the cost.
“Sourcing new customers has always been any business’s lifeblood but maintaining and growing your local client base is now even more relevant and vital for future profits and growth.”
NurturingAI is an Omnichannel marketing system that offers consumers a way to connect with their audience through all digital channels without specified software or a marketing manager. This means that users can send out messages through popular platforms like email, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, SMS, Twitter, and easily and at a fraction of the cost of traditional portals.
Jamie Osborne says:
“Together we've faced recession, changing global politics, uncertain economies, a white-hot technological revolution, and now a global pandemic - the conditions have changed, but one thing remains the same: my commitment to giving estate agency partners the very best service on offer. This rollout is for businesses that need it most. Don't let Covid dampen your plans for 2021, greet your market wherever they are without having to leave the house.”