This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
HR must be updated with the information and performance of each member of the organization. In the case of small businesses this is simpler but when talking about hundreds or thousands of people, the picture is more complicated.
The modality of handling everything through mobile applications has also reached work environments.
HR apps facilitate communication, making this process more agile and transparent.
10 advantages of having apps for employee management:
Mobile devices contribute to closer contact within the workplace. In turn, they facilitate and improve the methods of Talent Management and Performance Evaluation for the HR area.
HR apps within an organization favor collaborative learning, which gives more strength to the team as such and, consequently, to those who compose it.
They also allow 360 performance evaluation (where not only the boss evaluates) with continuous feedback through smartphones or tablets. The impressions of third parties on the performance of a collaborator are added. One way to support the skill performance of a person in the organization. This gives rise to indicators that can be analyzed to determine how the collaborator can improve, what skills and abilities he should develop. Then, the training and training suggestions for each person will arise, in favor of their growth in the organization and the fulfillment of objectives.
These new HR apps facilitate communication within work teams. They allow the conception of a communications wall, similar to the social networks that are currently known, but with issues related to projects in the work area. At the same time, this wall can be activated by the HR leader with a collaborator based exclusively on HR issues, which contributes to the decentralization of typical HR processes to make them more agile and quick to respond, especially in relation to data updating of each person who works in the company.
The walls support not only chat communication but also upload images, videos, flyers, any element that contributes to a better communication with the others, with elements that add value to the work.
This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
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