Chatbots and AI will be friends of HR in 2020

December 28, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

Offering a more attractive and satisfying user experience, as well as optimizing the selection processes, will be the main objectives for 2020.

The companies face the last thunderstorms of this year with an eye towards 2020 and the challenges that arise on the horizon, mainly focused on offering a more attractive and satisfying user experience and optimizing the selection processes. The human resources company Easyrecrue identified the main trends that will boost the sector next year in a note from the rhhdigital site.

Analytics at the service of recruiter: data analysis and processing have become in a few years key points for HR, allowing recruiters to quantify the impact of the actions they carry out. A clear example is the use of KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) to carry out a more efficient contracting process, which allows the company to avoid high economic losses.

Recruiters are expected to do one of the analytics to optimize the hiring strategy in each of its stages: attraction (with KPIs such as corporate employment web traffic or offer consultation index), conversion (number of applications per offer or selected profiles based on vacancies) and hiring (total time of process duration, delay between stages or quality of candidate experience).

Change of the candidate selection model: compared to the traditional combination system between the telephone and the face-to-face interview, the firm is committed to innovation through the video interview. This format allows candidates to carry out the pre-selection interview where and when they want, while recruiters can watch the videos and quickly analyze the best candidates according to the competencies, hard and soft skills, which best adapt to each position.

Some of these platforms incorporate artificial intelligence algorithms that suggest the best profiles thanks to an automatic analysis of different criteria: verbal content, prosody, gestural expression. In this way, companies reduce candidate selection time by 50%.

Automation in the selection processes: optimizing the user experience is another of the objectives marked in red for next year in the field of human resources. Process automation through chatbots emerges as the main option in order to achieve this objective, which can guide candidates towards those offers that best fit their characteristics, filter candidates through scoring questions or even schedule Interviews automatically with candidates whose profile fits with any offer.

This means a better and more attractive user experience, as well as an optimization of the selection process that can mean an economic saving in those companies that manage a high volume of applications.

Mickaël Cabrol, CEO and Founder of Easyrecrue said that "there is no doubt that technology, especially analytics and chatbots, will be the common thread that will achieve these goals."

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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December 28, 2019

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