"Imperva as a company focuses on protecting confidential data. It has the ability to tell you who's accessing your data, when are they accessing it, from where, whether they're inside the company or outside of the company. We're here today to focus on bot mitigation; bot mitigation is something of a risk from outside your company, [if] somebody's trying to access something on your site or behind your site," said Freeman in his interview with Baker.
Watch the interview below.
Over 220 attendees are expected at our next event - the Asian Property Portal Watch Conference in Thailand. The Conference will be held in Bangkok from 26th to 27th February 2020, and it will run for two days, featuring expert Industry Speakers, Innovative Companies at the forefront of the online real estate industry. The Asian Property Portal Watch Conference also offers amazing Social Events, a perfect opportunity for networking.
We hope to see you there.
Join us February 26-27 for the Property Portal Watch Conference Bangkok 2020.