The Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF) of the Region of Murcia, Spain has developed a mobile application ('app') offers job offers, training courses, renew the demand for employment or request an appointment at any of its offices. Available in from AppStore and Google Play
In the last year it has accumulated a total of 25,743 new downloads, from the 57,898 counted at the end of January 2019 to the more than 83,600 current ones, which represents an increase of more than 44%.
According to user comments, its handling is easy and intuitive.
The latest version of the app introduced a specific section for freelancers, with which people who are considering accessing or returning to the labor market on their own can learn about the programs and grants that the SEF allocates to this group. These measures range from training projects for entrepreneurs to the Zero Fee for young beneficiaries of Youth Guarantee or long-term unemployed.
90 free courses that will start this January and have a game of 1.4 million euros and 1,141 seats.
The general director of the SEF, Aurelio Morales, said that "continuing to work to provide quality and stable employment is one of the priorities of the regional government for this year 2020, and for this training is a key piece."