Despite two successful acquisitions (Urbania and Aptitus) Navent Group has still suffered from the pandemic in the form of road bumps in expansion plans.
Hernán de Ponti, General Manager of the firm that owns Adondevivir and Bumeran explained that projections for the rest of 2020 had to be readjusted after the beginning of quarantine when original projections were that sales would double their 2019 results.
De Ponti said:
"The first months of the pandemic, all indicators of the portals fell, but as of July there were more users and visits, even above preCOVID levels, so we know that next year we are going to make an important jump versus 2020, which has been the worst in history for many businesses, and that is why our goal for 2021 is to reach S / 55 million in turnover.”
Taking advantage of the fact that its three portals (Adondevivir, Urbania, and Bumeran) contribute, on average, 33% to Navent's total turnover in Peru, it ensures that in the next three years they aim to achieve organic growth of between 25% and 30%.
In order to achieve this, De Ponti says the focus turns to Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, and Cusco markets.
Real estate contributes to 66% of total billing for this company and maintains a very specific dynamic due to the fact that Peru is the only country out of the eight where the two portals are present.
Next year, the company will continue to bet on the ExpoUrbania events, where two face-to-face events are scheduled as well as two virtual events.